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Founded in 1970, pp电子是一所男女同校的综合性高中,以大学预科为重点. 湖天主教致力于在俄亥俄州东北部教育不同手段和能力的青年男女. With a population of roughly 500 students in grades nine through twelve, pp电子强调天主教信仰的精神成长为学生学习, 工作, 和服务.

Position 概述

Reporting to the Principal, 特派团和编队主任的主要责任是实现这一愿景, 任务, 教导, 透过合作的信仰培育经验,协助学生成为基督的门徒. The Director will evangelize, 鼓励, 发现, 并“召唤”学校社区中所有人——学生——的天主教牧职人才, 工作人员, 教师, 校友, 和 家庭 alike, 共同承担天主教对学生形成信仰共同体的责任.

  • 担任精神生活团队和神学系的首席管理员,并作为学校员工的高级成员,为学校社区的各个部分全面实施学校的使命和价值观.
  • 负责协调所有针对学生信仰实践的精神/宗教活动, such as liturgies, 撤退, Catholic Schools Week, 以及通过计划和安排包括礼拜仪式在内的年度活动日历来进行天主教祈祷, 撤退, 等.
  • In keeping with the Diocese of Clevel和’s rich tradition of service, 鼓励学生参与社区服务和外展活动,将他们的信仰付诸行动,成为仆人式领袖.
  • Create a culture of Adult Formation for 教师, 工作人员, 家庭, 通过将天主教信仰的各个方面融入我们的社区. Develop “Mission Formations Program” for new 教师/工作人员, 实施增强行政信念形成的活动, 教师, 工作人员, 父母, 和校友.
  • Coordinate with 招生, 进步, 和营销团队,以帮助促进湖天主教的使命和价值观的未来和现有的家庭, 校友, 和朋友. 
  • Meet with local grade schools to support their faith formation.
  • 在社区和教区的会议和活动中代表pp电子.
  • Oversee the regular review of 项目 和 policies.
  • Develop 和 manage the annual budget.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • 虔诚的天主教徒,与教会有充分的交流,对天主教教义有深刻的承诺和一致, 传统, 任务, 和价值观.
  • Familiarity with best practices in Catholic formation 和 programming. 了解指导信仰形成和天主教事工的教会文件.
  • Bachelor’s degree in religious studies, or a related field. Master’s degree preferred.
  • 2 - 3年天主教教育或牧灵工作经验.
  • Excellent written 和 verbal communication knowledge 和 skills.
  • 成功完成多个并发项目的最后期限.
  • 湖县及周边县区交通可靠.
  • 根据需要,能够在白天、晚上和周末履行职责.
Application Process

选择申请的候选人应提交求职信,简历,并填写完整 Diocese of Clevel和 就业 Application to 乔·斯威舍, Human Resources. 在主题栏,请输入湖天主教传教及培育主任.

4月19日之后将开始对上述所有已提交的材料进行正式审查,以确定面试候选人, 2024. The position will remain open until filled.

Founded in 1970, pp电子是一所男女同校的综合性高中,以大学预科为重点. 湖天主教致力于在俄亥俄州东北部教育不同手段和能力的青年男女. With a population of roughly 500 students in grades nine through twelve, pp电子强调天主教信仰的精神成长为学生学习, 工作, 和服务.

Essential Job Functions
  • 计划, 准备, 并提供教学活动,促进积极的学习经验, using a variety of learning materials 和 resources.
  • Develop schemes of 工作 和 lesson plans.
  • Establish 和 communicate clear objectives for all learning activities.
  • Provide appropriate feedback on students' submitted assignments.
  • 保持学生进步和发展的准确和完整的记录.
  • 按照法律要求准确、完整地更新所有必要的记录, district policies, 和 school regulations.
  • 准备有关学生和活动的报告,并定期与相关利益相关者沟通必要的信息.
  • 通过建立和执行规则和程序来管理学生在课堂上的行为.
  • 按照学校的规章制度和纪律制度维护纪律.
  • 应用 appropriate disciplinary measures where necessary.
  • Participate in level, school, 和 parent meetings.
  • Attend professional development meetings as required by the principal.
  • Write professional development goals as required by the LPDC.
  • Keep up to date with developments in the subject area, teaching resources, 并对教学计划和活动做出相应的改变.
  • Other duties as needed.
  • The ability to teach a variety of art courses, including painting, 画, 陶瓷, digital photography, 和 knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, 等.
  • Must have obtained a valid Ohio Teaching License
  • Minimum of bachelor’s degree in education, art, or another related field
  • 2 + years 工作ing with high school students.
  • Highly motivated with strong organizational skills; able to coordinate multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Self-starter; able to 工作 independently.
Application Process

Please submit a letter of interest (including the subject of interest), 重新开始, three references, 和 Diocese of Clevel和 就业 Application to Thomas McKrill, Principal, with the Subject Line: ART TEACHER

Founded in 1970, pp电子是一所男女同校的综合性高中,以大学预科为重点. 湖天主教致力于在俄亥俄州东北部教育不同手段和能力的青年男女. With a population of roughly 500 students in grades nine through twelve, pp电子强调天主教信仰的精神成长为学生学习, 工作, 和服务.

Essential Job Functions
  • 准备课程,向高中生传授德语的基本原理以及与德国文化有关的信息.
  • 编写课程材料,让学生在课堂上和空闲时间完成, which includes h和outs, essays 和 additional home工作 assignments.
  • Establish 和 communicate clear objectives for all learning activities.
  • Evaluate students’ performances, 包括给家庭作业评分,记录学生参与讨论的情况.
  • Act as an advisor for student clubs, which could entail the German club, but could also extend to other organizations as you see fit.
  • 与学生家长交谈,告知他们孩子在课堂上的进步.
  • 计划, 准备, 并提供教学活动,促进积极的学习经验, using a variety of learning materials 和 resources.
  • Provide appropriate feedback on students' submitted assignments.
  • 保持学生进步和发展的准确和完整的记录.
  • 按照法律要求准确、完整地更新所有必要的记录, district policies, 和 school regulations.
  • 准备有关学生和活动的报告,并定期与相关利益相关者沟通必要的信息.
  • 通过建立和执行规则和程序来管理学生在课堂上的行为.
  • 按照学校的规章制度和纪律制度维护纪律.
  • Attend professional development meetings as required by the principal.
  • Write professional development goals as required by the LPDC.
  • Keep up to date with developments in the subject area, 教学资源和方法,并对教学计划和活动做出相应的改变.
  • Other duties as needed.
  • Must have obtained a valid Ohio Teaching License
  • 本科以上学历,教育、德语或其他相关专业
  • 3-5 years 工作ing with high school students
  • Highly motivated with strong organizational skills; able to coordinate multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Self-starter; able to 工作 independently.
Applications Process

Please submit a letter of interest (including subject of interest), 重新开始, three references, 和 Diocese of Clevel和 就业 Application to Thomas McKrill, Principal, with the Subject Line: GERMAN TEACHER

Founded in 1970, pp电子是一所男女同校的综合性高中,以大学预科为重点. 湖天主教致力于在俄亥俄州东北部教育不同手段和能力的青年男女. With a population of roughly 500 students in grades nine through twelve, pp电子强调天主教信仰的精神成长为学生学习, 工作, 和服务.

Essential Job Functions
  • 准备课程,向高中生传授拉丁语的基本原理以及与拉丁文化有关的信息.
  • 编写课程材料,让学生在课堂上和空闲时间完成, which includes h和outs, essays 和 additional home工作 assignments.
  • Establish 和 communicate clear objectives for all learning activities.
  • Evaluate students’ performances, 包括给家庭作业评分,记录学生参与讨论的情况.
  • Act as an advisor for student clubs, which can entail the Latin club, but could also extend to other organizations as you see fit.
  • 与学生家长交谈,告知他们孩子在课堂上的进步.
  • 计划, 准备, 并提供教学活动,促进积极的学习经验, using a variety of learning materials 和 resources.
  • Provide appropriate feedback on students' submitted assignments.
  • 保持学生进步和发展的准确和完整的记录.
  • 按照法律要求准确、完整地更新所有必要的记录, district policies, 和 school regulations.
  • 准备有关学生和活动的报告,并定期与相关利益相关者沟通必要的信息.
  • 通过建立和执行规则和程序来管理学生在课堂上的行为.
  • 按照学校的规章制度和纪律制度维护纪律.
  • Attend professional development meetings as required by the principal.
  • Write professional development goals as required by the LPDC.
  • Keep up to date with developments in the subject area, 教学资源和方法,并对教学计划和活动做出相应的改变.
  • Other duties as needed.
  • Must have obtained a valid Ohio Teaching License
  • 教育、拉丁语或其他相关专业本科以上学历
  • 3-5 years 工作ing with high school students
  • Highly motivated with strong organizational skills; able to coordinate multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Self-starter; able to 工作 independently.
Application Process

请提交一份意向书(包括感兴趣的主题),简历,三封推荐信和 Diocese of Clevel和 就业 Application to Thomas McKrill, Principal, with the subject line: LATIN TEACHER

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